My Thoughts
If you came here to see some cool spicy tech opinions, you might want to check my account. Here you'll find personal posts about experience, some cool ideas I had and needed to write them down, and some other stuff.
⭐ Open Source Journal
What I've been up to
Explain like I'm 5: Logarithm
Writing my first emulator
vcs: Vim Cheatsheets, even offline
Explain like I'm 5: Isomorphism
pr: Jump to what matters
Bumping impressions with Hip-Hop and irreverence
Sharing creatures with QR Code
Storing creatures with SQL
Legacy: Voltando ao básico e o efeito TikTok no consumo de conteúdo
Legacy: Entendendo Extremidade Computacional (endianness) usando uma Coxinha
Legacy: Mais um portfólio: Faz mal mudar o site toda hora?
Legacy: Como foi o processo de migração do Correio para uma stack diferente